Over the summer term and as the children returned, we have been developing our approach to home learning. Through no fault of their own children have lost months of learning. We cannot afford for them to miss anymore learning if we can avoid it. As you are no doubt aware, this is absolutely crucial in the case of lockdown, a class bubble having to isolate or if individual children have to isolate. Below are instructions and guidance on what we have done in school to prepare the children. In all of the cases below we will expect the children to fully participate in their learning from home. We have aimed to make it is as accessible as possible. You should need:

• Internet access

• Paper, pen/pencil for notes

• Respective passwords for the online platforms outlined below:

o Class Dojo

o Gmail

o Accelerated Reader

o SumDog

F2, Year 1 and Year 2 children will use Class Dojo. Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children will use a combination of Class Dojo and Google Classroom. If you or your child have not received these user names and passwords then please contact the teacher using the Class Dojo.

What to do if my child is isolating but the majority of the class is in?

With the majority of children in the class in school it means our staff are teaching them. Each Monday the class teacher will post the weekly planning on Class Dojo. It will have the timetable for the week showing the lessons, objectives and a brief description of the task. On most of these, though not all, there will be a hyperlink to learning to do with the objective of the lesson. You need to:

• Follow the link and work through the activities on the page.

• Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will need to evidence their learning using ‘Google Classroom’. This may be a screen shot of their work, quiz score, comment, photograph etc. The class teacher will be able to give feedback on this secure platform.

• F2, Year 1 and Year 2 children will need to evidence their learning using ‘Class Dojo’. This may be a screen shot of their work, quiz score, comment, photograph etc. The class teacher will be able to give feedback on this secure platform.

We fully expect the children to evidence their learning. The staff will provide some feedback to this.

What to do if my class is in isolation or school has to lockdown

This is similar to above. However, if the class is closed the teacher, unless ill, will deliver live lessons to the children. This will be made clear on the published weekly timetable. All children will be expected to attend and engage in the learning. There will be a minimum of two live lessons a day. You need to:

• View the weekly timetable on Class Dojo. Log in to your email to access joining instructions for live lessons. Once online your teacher will guide you on what to do.

• Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children will need to evidence their learning using ‘Google Classroom’. This may be a screen shot of their work, quiz score, comment, photograph etc. The class teacher will be able to give feedback on this secure platform.

• F2, Year 1 and Year 2 children will need to evidence their learning using ‘Class Dojo’. This may be a screen shot of their work, quiz score, comment, photograph etc. The class teacher will be able to give feedback on this secure platform.


Reading is so crucial to the success of children. We have invested over £2000 to purchase an online library of books. This sits alongside the reading scheme we use in school. Children will be able to use the same log on they use for Accelerated Reader to search for books at their reading level and take quizzes, leave reviews etc. Staff will monitor how many pages and how much time they have spent of reading and give them feedback on this. This will become live by the end of October after staff and children have received training on how to use it. However, there are a range of free books available and links to them



The children have been given access to ‘Sumdog’. This is an online platform which has all areas of maths on it. The teacher may provide a link to this in their planning. However, if they don’t or you have completed the work set and want to do more this is ideal.

Parents Role

Your role is absolutely crucial. We know that it is not easy at times to facilitate your child’s learning. For example, there may be siblings in the house who may need to share a device. As long as you have an Internet connection you will be able to see the live lessons. When we surveyed parents in the summer there was only a tiny percentage who said they did not have access to the Internet. Please contact the school as soon as possible if you have any problems with home learning.

Parents have and always will be the most important figures in the learning of their children. The children only get one chance to go through primary school. They have missed a big and important chunk of learning already and cannot afford to miss anymore. Let us work together to try and make sure they miss no more and strive for them to be the very best that they can be.